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Category Archives: Health

Banana strawberry soy smoothie.

Satisfy your sweet tooth and boost your protein intake with this fruit soy smoothie. Soy (as well as tofu, which is made from soy) is a natural source of high quality protein and healthy fats, and there is some evidence that it may even reduce the risk of coronary

Benefits of Pears.

Pears are rich in nutrients and several beneficial plant compounds. They may also help promote weight loss and protect against certain chronic conditions. Pears are an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber. Which are essential for digestive health. These fibers help maintain bowel regularity by

Too much added sugar.

Consuming too much added sugar, especially from sugary beverages menu. Increases your risk of weight gain and can lead to visceral fat accumulation. It Can Cause Weight Gain Obesity rates are rising worldwide and evidence suggests that added. Often from sweetened beverages — is a

Benefits of Dietary fiber.

Dietary fiber is an important nutrient that may promote weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and fight constipation. Dietary fiber can offer the following benefits: If you’re adding high-fiber foods to your diet. Do so gradually over a few days and drink plenty of water, too. This

8 danger signs have parasites in the stomach

8 danger signs have parasites in the stomach. In addition to people who eat a lot. But are thin no matter. What shape you have Is at risk of having parasites in the stomach as well. Because of unclean eating habits half-cook food There is always a risk of having parasites

How many eggs should a child of each age eat appropriate?

How many eggs should a child of each age eat appropriate? children of each age There are different amounts of eggs. That you should eat per day. But can eat eggs every day. Coupled with exercise helps strengthen muscles and development of the brain as well by UFABET. chicken eggs

7 ways to avoid “snoring”

7 ways to avoid “snoring“ Snoring is cause by neck muscles relaxing. While sleeping causing the throat to narrow. This results in the need to breathe in and out more and more. When the airway narrows to a certain point. The strength of the breath increases until. It causes

“Exercise” before bed helps “sleep” easier, is it true?

“Exercise” before bed helps “sleep” easier, is it true? Of course, while you are experiencing an uncomfortable matter. Sometimes these stories can affect how your nervous system and brain work hard. cause to be insomnia And may lead to the deterioration of health. Hello, the doctor would like to bring